Shadow of the Colossus

I have to assume that most gamers need to choose which platform they're going to buy, ask for as a gift, etc, and by doing so, there are going to be console-exclusive games that are just flat-out not available to you. For me, I was a Nintendo kid growing up, and through my teenage years I supplemented that with the first few Xbox consoles. Many of my friends had Playstations and would always tell me about the coolest games they were playing there, from Final Fantasy to The Last of Us to God of War, and while I was always happy with the Xbox and the games on offer, there was always one game that my friends breathlessly told me about that made me feel a little jealous.

"You can climb on the bosses? How big did you say they are? They're the size of skyscrapers? This is a PS2 game??"

Fast forward to 2019 or so, when the Bluepoint Games remake was given away to Playstation Plus subscribers, and as the owner of a brand new used PS4, I finally had my chance to try out that game I'd been hearing about for all those years. It was an experience that still stands up in my mind years later as one game that is, no hyperbole, truly unique. I'm happy to be joined by Adam Bucceri in episode 31 of Tales from the Backlog to discuss the game, the games it influenced, and the nature of video game remakes.

Adam is an extremely passionate and informative guest, and it was a pleasure having him on the show. It would mean a lot if you took the time to check out his indie survival horror tabletop RPG, ENTER THE SURVIVAL HORROR on his page. You can also follow Adam on Twitter.

You can listen to episode 31 (Shadow of the Colossus) of Tales from the Backlog in the player below, or you can follow the links to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Podcast Addict, Stitcher, Google Podcasts or search "Tales from the Backlog" in your favorite podcast app!